Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Worlds’ End Patron # 18 (illustrated by Russel Roehling)

Here is another person who was trapped in Worlds’ End.

How did he get there? Where is he from? What is his story? These questions were never answered. He is just another interesting looking character sitting in the inn waiting for the storm to pass.

This character can be seen in Sandman # 52, on page 2, in the first panel. He is sitting near a Viking and one of those weird miner looking guys we later see harassing the lobster people. He is in the lower right corner.

Russel did a great job with this character. I really like how he interpreted this character. The colors really stand out in this portrait and the details he put into this character give him more personality and makes him seem more important than a background character with no apparent back story. This is a wonderful portrait from Russel.

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