Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Man # 8, Woman # 9, Boy # 16 & Girl # 2 (illustrated by Anna Hybsier)

In Worlds’ End, Brant Tucker, along with his companion Charlene Mooney, are stuck in a Free House, while a storm rages outside.

Brant encounters a man known only as The Seeker, who is searching for the reality where Prez Rickard becomes President Of The Unites States.

The Seeker tells Brant about Prez and his legacy and ultimately his tragedy.

After Prez becomes the President he does a lot of things in an attempt to make the United States and the world a better place.

One of those things was that he wanted to reduce the nuclear weapons that the US has. On live television Prez states “Right now, the US alone has enough nuclear weaponry to destroy the world a hundred times over. I mean, that’s dumb, you know. So we are not going to make amy more nuclear or biological weapons – simple as that. And we’re figuring out a ways to get rid of the ones we’ve already got, safely.”

This family was watching the television broadcast when Prez made his statement and declaration of intentions.

They appear in Sandman # 54, on page 10, in panel 7.

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