Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Abraham Warner (illustrated by Lars Brown)

Abraham Warner lived in San Francisco, California in 1875.

While in the park one of Emperor Norton’s loyal subjects, Ah How, brought him news that his presense was requested at The Cobweb Palace.

Abraham Warner was the bartender at The Cobweb Palace and served Emperor Norton a class of white wine just before the King Of Pain arrived.

This character was based on the real Abraham Warner who was the owner and operator of The Cobweb Palace, which was a saloon on Meigg's Wharf in San Francisco (located at the intersection of Francisco, Mason and Powell streets). The Cobweb palace was opened in 1856. The saloon was popular with sailors, locals, and tourists. The bar was said to have been filled with cobwebs (because Warner refused to kill spiders), as well as cages filled with exotic animals, including monkeys and parrots. Warner also had a collection of nude paintings, some of which were hung in the saloon. Abraham Warner died in 1896 and the bar closed in 1897.

He appears in Sandman # 31 on pages 16 and 20.

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