Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Emissary (The Blank Faced Man)

This guy drove me nuts.

While re-reading the series and making a list of all the characters in the series I stumbled across this guy from Season Of Mists. He is one of the Emissaries who go to the Dreaming in hopes of obtaining the Key To Hell. At one point he is seen talking to a wizard (who I suspected was Merlin...but he's not). I looked online hoping to discover who this character was and found nothing. I asked everyone I knew and I got all sorts of strange answers. I asked tons of comic nerds and "experts" and nobody knew anything. I asked Scott and he didn't know, which was surprising since he seems to know all sorts of obscure DC Universe characters. I emailed Neil Gaiman and never got a response. It was hopeless.

Then I heard that DC was planning on releasing the Annotated Sandman books in 2011 and 2012 and they were going to be edited by a gentleman named Leslie Klinger. So....I asked him. He didn't know who they were, but they were on his list of questions he had planned on asking Neil. He said that if he found out anything he would let me know and he did. He said that these characters were drawn by Kelley Jones "as part of NG's direction to draw a random crowd of people. According to him, they have no special significance."

So there you go.

A special thanks goes out to Leslie Klinger for solving this mystery for me!!!

1 comment:

  1. I approached this guy as if he were some sort of homage to The Watcher, or any other number of Kirby-God creations.

    I liken the wizard he hangs around with as a version of maybe the wizard Shazam.

    Or something.
