Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cain and Abel (Japanese Incarnations) – Max Rugers

In Dream Hunters, the Monk visits The Dreaming after discovering the Fox, near dead on his doorstep, having protected him from ill dreams.

When the Monk entered The Dreaming he found himself standing before two houses. There were two men sitting near a pond fishing.

The Monk asked for directions to The King Of All Night’s Dreaming and one of the men (who was the Japanese incarnation of Cain) replied “How can you not go to him when all the ways are his?”

The other man, who was fat and seemed sad, sneezed and pointed to a specific hill.

The Monk bowed and walked on his way.

Once the Monk reached the hill he turned and looked back toward the two houses. The fat man (who was Abel) was not floating face down in the pond, while the other watched on from the balcony of his house.

This interaction appears in the Yoshitaka Amano version of Dream Hunters on pages 86 and 87.

I absolutely love these portraits from Max. I really like the muted colors and the details added to each of these portraits. Abel, indeed, looks sad and Cain, who is slightly hunched over, has a slightly cunning expression on his face.

Max created these two portraits to sit side by side with each other, which is a pretty awesome. Here is Cain and Abel, as well as the combined portrait. I hope you enjoy them.

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