Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hinnegan The Book Binder (illustrated by Ron Chan)

In The Wake, Hob Gadling, along with his girlfriend Gwen, visit a Renaissance Fair.

Hob is not particularly enthused about being at the festival, having lived through the actual Medieval times, but he attends anyway, for the benefit of his girlfriend.

Gwen mentions that there is a bookbinder at the fair who has an authentic book that once belonged to a man named Robert Gadling, who we know was Hob. At one point he worked as a book printer and, according to Hinnegan, made wonderful books with great binding.

This chapter of The Wake is one of the most emotionally moving chapters in the entire series and it’s one of my favorites. This scene in particular feels very poignant and heartfelt. I can almost imagine how Hob would feel looking at this book and at his past when holding that book in his hands.

Ron did a spectacular job drawing Hinnegan. This portrait just seems so precise and perfect.

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